Sacramento Regional Transit is finally starting a campaign to attract commuters who are seeking relief from the run-up in gasoline prices. The SacRT web site includes a new link (right) to a new inside page (below).
There's nothing new here, but it might be useful for people who are exploring the option of riding transit. Inside the new "Try Transit" site is an amusing illustration of how to ride light rail . . .. . . and another about how to ride the bus.
I especially love the panel that says "Sit down, relax and watch for your destination stop." There's sooooo much more you get to do.
The RT site links back to the Sacramento Area Council of Governments's site (below), which offers links to a number of other transportation options.
I will watch the videos and read the materials to see if RT gives tips on how to survive being crushed twelve different ways when the 5 p.m. light-rail has only three cars and everyone is jammed like sardines. That would be truly helpful!
Wait until Thursday, when RT offers FREE rides to bike riders! Of course, only people who read the "Next Stop News" will know about the free rides, but it still could be a fun day.
And then we have the rebuild of I-5 coming up this month. RT is promising more cars and other improvements, but crowded trains could be a problem.
I'm of two minds on the crowds issue. Yes, it is not as much "fun" not to have a seat. But the alternative problem -- too many empty seats -- would be even more worrisome.
Maybe, perhaps, who knows, if the trains are crowded RT will do something to meet the new demand. It would me nice to hear about service improvements prompted by increased ridership rather than announcements of service cutbacks necessitated by budget cuts.
I just may stay clear of the light rail Thursday, and just drive.
Im guessing Pam is a fellow blue line rider haha
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