There is a certain happiness sighted when your bus comes along. It is of course a small specialized form of happiness and will never be a great thing.

-Richard Brautigan, The Old Bus

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Infusion of blogging (continued)

We're back at the University of California, Davis, Cancer Center for the wife's every-other-week infusion of chemotherapy. The chemo appears to be having more effect on my hairline than the wife's.

As I write this, the wife is asleep in the recliner as the pump clicks and whirrs. Her first two-week course went well. She was able to work more each day. By yesterday, she was putting in more than five hours at her office.

We've also been easing back into riding transit. I drive the wife to light rail and she takes the train to Rancho and the bus to the stop a block from her office. Four or five hours later, a co-worker gives her a ride to the train and I pick her up. There really is no point in all of this riding public transit. It doesn't save money or much in the way of gas. It is more something to do to feel better, to feel "normal."

After today's infusion the wife hopes to recover enough by Saturday afternoon to take part in Second Saturday -- perhaps a meal in midtown and a short walk.

By the time the final infusion arrives we'll be old hands at this. (Says the guy who sits and watches.)

Meanwhile, back at the Honey Do Ranch. We have a bunch of turkeys wandering the neighborhood. They stick around for a half-hour or so and then they wander off. I've got no idea where they came from. In the five years we have lived in this house, this is the first year we've had turkeys.

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